Dispel the cloud of suspicion - get to know 5 reasons why VAS and the Cloud are a good duo.

 VAS runs on a fully secure Cloud platform. What are the main benefits of hosting the reporting solution in the Cloud?

1. Accessibility

The data is always available when you want it. All you need to start using the system is an up-to-date browser. Log in anywhere – in the office or on the scene. In a remote location with a scarce Internet access, a mobile app in an offline mode comes in handy.

2. Offline, too

VAS options make it feasible to enter your inspection data even if you’re offline. Just make sure to synchronise and send the inspection reports as soon as your connection is up and running.

3. Backups are not your thing

Tasks like data backups are handled automatically. You can thank us later.

4. Reliability

Hosting your vehicle assessment solution in the Cloud means you can leave the concern of hardware it runs on to us. We maintain the system.

5. Dropbox integration

Your reports are always automatically synchronised to any local machine of your choice – laptops or mobile devices. We offer integration with Dropbox – useful in case your office Internet connection goes down or you’re unable to access VAS system for whatever other reason.

Still thinking about it? Sing up for our FREE 6 weeks’ trial.

Feeling more convinced with a Cloud-based solution?

Download VAS and make your life so much easier. Any questions? We’d love to help – contact us.